One of my friends asked me to do a favor for her. She said her friend deleted some important chat messages by “accident”, and her friend want to recover those deleted messages as soon as possible… I took a look at this android phone. My God, lots of
app功能接口正常,其他手机运行OK,但是在Android9.0的手机上报错 CLEARTEXT communication to 192.168.1.xx not permitted by network security policy' 无法加载数据 原因是因为android9.0开始必须https,和iOS10一样的规定. 解决办法如下,在manifest.xml的application节点下: android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"
在Linux上运行ASP.NET网站或WebApi的传统步骤是,先安装libgdiplus,再安装mono,然后安装Jexus.在这个过程中,虽然安装Jexus是挺简便的一件事,但是安装mono就相对的比较费时费力了. 现在的情况不同了,为了克服安装 Mono 的繁琐,简化 ASP.NET WEB 应用在Linux操作系统上的部署过程,我们为Jexus 5.8.1制作了一款无需安装mono就能使用的“独立版”,该“独立版”支持64位的CentOS 6.5.Ubuntu 12.04以上版本的操作系