talk is cheap, show me the code. 一.开启Redis key过期提醒 方式二:修改配置文件 redis.conf # 默认 notify-keyspace-events "" notify-keyspace-events Ex 方式二:命令行开启 CONFIG SET notify-keyspace-events Ex CONFIG GET notify-keyspace-events 二.notify-keyspace-events notify-ke
keys pattern 查询相应的key 在redis里,允许模糊查询key 有3个通配符 *, ? ,[] *: 通配任意多个字符 ?: 通配单个字符 []: 通配括号内的某1个字符 redis> flushdb OK redis> keys * (empty list or set) redis> mset one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 OK redis 127.0.0
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