form here 用gdb 查看汇编代码, 采用disassemble 和 x 命令. nexti, stepi 可以单步指令执行 如下例: ------------------------------------------------------------源代码:------------------------------------------------------------[root@hjj ~]# cat 1.c#include <stdio.h> int main(int
方法1:使用help(random) >>> import random >>> help(random) Help on module random: NAME random - Random variable generators. FILE c:\python27\lib\ # 文件存放位置 方法2:利用random.__file__查看位置,然后打开后缀名为.py的文件 >>> random.__file__ 'C:\\Pyt
Technical Q&A QA1914 Viewing the interface of your Swift code Q: How do I view the interface of my Swift code in Xcode? 问: 怎么在Xcode中查看swift文件的头文件? A: Xcode generates an interface file that includes all your source code's internal and public declar