$ sudo apt search mydumper
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mydumper/focal,now 0.9.5-1.1 amd64
High-performance MySQL backup tool mydumper-doc/focal,focal 0.9.5-1.1 all
High-performance MySQL backup tool - documentation
sudo apt-get install mydumper
$ mydumper --help
mydumper [OPTION?] multi-threaded MySQL dumping Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options Application Options:
-B, --database Database to dump
-T, --tables-list Comma delimited table list to dump (does not exclude regex option)
-O, --omit-from-file File containing a list of database.table entries to skip, one per line (skips before applying regex option)
-o, --outputdir Directory to output files to
-s, --statement-size Attempted size of INSERT statement in bytes, default 1000000
-r, --rows Try to split tables into chunks of this many rows. This option turns off --chunk-filesize
-F, --chunk-filesize Split tables into chunks of this output file size. This value is in MB
-c, --compress Compress output files
-e, --build-empty-files Build dump files even if no data available from table
-x, --regex Regular expression for 'db.table' matching
-i, --ignore-engines Comma delimited list of storage engines to ignore
-N, --insert-ignore Dump rows with INSERT IGNORE
-m, --no-schemas Do not dump table schemas with the data
-d, --no-data Do not dump table data
-G, --triggers Dump triggers
-E, --events Dump events
-R, --routines Dump stored procedures and functions
-W, --no-views Do not dump VIEWs
-k, --no-locks Do not execute the temporary shared read lock. WARNING: This will cause inconsistent backups
--no-backup-locks Do not use Percona backup locks
--less-locking Minimize locking time on InnoDB tables.
-l, --long-query-guard Set long query timer in seconds, default 60
-K, --kill-long-queries Kill long running queries (instead of aborting)
-D, --daemon Enable daemon mode
-I, --snapshot-interval Interval between each dump snapshot (in minutes), requires --daemon, default 60
-L, --logfile Log file name to use, by default stdout is used
--tz-utc SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' at top of dump to allow dumping of TIMESTAMP data when a server has data in different time zones or data is being moved between servers with different time zones, defaults to on use --skip-tz-utc to disable.
--use-savepoints Use savepoints to reduce metadata locking issues, needs SUPER privilege
--success-on-1146 Not increment error count and Warning instead of Critical in case of table doesn't exist
--lock-all-tables Use LOCK TABLE for all, instead of FTWRL
-U, --updated-since Use Update_time to dump only tables updated in the last U days
--trx-consistency-only Transactional consistency only
--complete-insert Use complete INSERT statements that include column names
-h, --host The host to connect to
-u, --user Username with the necessary privileges
-p, --password User password
-a, --ask-password Prompt For User password
-P, --port TCP/IP port to connect to
-S, --socket UNIX domain socket file to use for connection
-t, --threads Number of threads to use, default 4
-C, --compress-protocol Use compression on the MySQL connection
-V, --version Show the program version and exit
-v, --verbose Verbosity of output, 0 = silent, 1 = errors, 2 = warnings, 3 = info, default 2
--defaults-file Use a specific defaults file
mydumper -u root -p 数据库密码 -h -B test -o ~/script/mysql/
ll ~/script/mysql/*.sql
相比原来 mysqldump 来说这个会稍微快些。(文件越大数据越多越明显)
mysqldump -uroot -p test > ~/script/mysql/test.db
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